Dizziness + Imbalance

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Dizziness + Imbalance

The main concern with dizziness and imbalance is not the dizziness itself, but the consequences—often, frequent imbalance can lead to dangerous falls. PRO~PT offers a technologically advanced Balance + Fall Prevention Program that helps pinpoint specific deficits and improve results. Improving balance and stability, in addition to improving your confidence, can significantly reduce the chance of falls.

Vertigo – The sensation of feeling off-balance, as if the room is spinning or tilting. These brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness are often triggered by rapid changes in the position of your head, which may occur when you lie down, tip your head up or down, or sit up quickly.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a common cause of vertigo. Symptoms can include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abnormal eye movements, double vision, and headaches. This condition can increase the chance of falls, but besides being uncomfortable, disconcerting, and inconvenient, it is rarely serious. However, this condition should be treated by a medical professional in order to prevent further issues.

Physical therapy is the number one treatment for BPPV. Typically, your physical therapist will lead you through a series of slow movements designed to reposition particles in your inner ear. Treatments can usually be completed in just a few sessions.

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