One of the best ways to reduce fall injuries is to prevent falls in the first place. You and your family will feel much more at ease when you increase your confidence and independence by improving your balance and stability with our Balance and Fall Prevention program. Our highly trained physical therapists will set up a program tailored specifically to your needs.

Our Program

The Balance and Fall Prevention program at PRO~PT is very unique. We utilize the latest technology, providing computerized dynamic posturography and video oculography to pinpoint the deficits to be treated. These tests are combined with a thorough health history review and physical exam to create a treatment program tailored to each individual. Having a proper diagnosis by a trained balance specialist will improve your outcomes over a shorter period of time.

At PRO~PT, we frequently treat patients who have suffered from dizziness and imbalance or positional vertigo for weeks to months before coming to see us, and they experience complete resolution of symptoms within 1-3 treatments. After your evaluation, your physical therapist will review their findings and develop a treatment program that fits your lifestyle. Rest assured that your fear of falling will be taken seriously, and your treatment program will help you regain your confidence.

Other aspects of our program include:

  • Assistive device assessments – canes, walkers, etc.
  • Vestibular Autorotation Testing (VAT)
  • Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)
  • Treatment of BPPV including Epley Maneuver
  • Video-Oculography
  • Individualized treatment focused on your balance deficits and needs

Our program is indicated for the following diagnoses:

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Ataxia

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